Is there anyone in December that isn't stressed? Anyone? [Read More]
Be a Blessing
5 Kindness Ideas for November
It's been an interesting week, and by interesting I mean stressful. So why don't we lighten things up a bit with some ideas to get us out of our collective anger and funk and into something that does the world some good. I'm talking about kindness. [Read More]
Showing Love When Hate Seems Everywhere
Been an interesting few days, right? Are you like me, a little tired, a little bewildered? Maybe you're just trying to be positive but people keep attacking? Maybe you're trying to figure out how to go forward and be positive, be the light you want to be? Or maybe you're also like me, and losing [Read More]
Using Twitter as a Prayer Warrior
Is there anything better than knowing there is someone out there who is praying for you? Someone who is intervening with the creator of the universe on your behalf? [Read More]
To the One I Love Who Can’t Seem to Love Me Back
There are people who are difficult to love and who do everything in their power to show that they do not love you back. The one thing we all want in life is to be loved and understood, and yet when someone offers this to us you would think we would jump at it. But not everyone does. Some people [Read More]