One of the videos I view frequently is this one where Mister Rogers testifies before Congress.This video never ceases to make me smile, or even sometimes, tear up. I am wowed by the fact that he could convince this senator, who was tough and no-nonsense and against funding for public television, [Read More]
Be a Blessing
The Gift of Grandparents
I was abandoned by my birth father, given away eventually by my birth mother, raised in an alcoholic household, but even with this, God was there in my life. He gifted me two sets of loving grandparents, who never knew the abuse I suffered but who loved me so much that there is never a day where I [Read More]
When “All” You Can Do Is Pray
There are times I feel helpless that "all" I can do is pray. But that's when I remember how powerful it is to speak with the Creator, and being given this opportunity is a gift. Let's use this gift to pray for our world, for our friends, for all those people we don't understand or just cannot stand [Read More]
When Someone Shows You Who They Are
Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." I think we all have people who have hurt us or just folks who aren't good for us. Forgive them.Forgive them so you can move on, but remember that forgiveness does not mean putting yourself in a position to continually be hurt, [Read More]
To Live In Hearts
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."Thomas CampbelBeen thinking of this girl so much recently. I miss her terribly. The first picture is how I remember her often, with that smile and shoulder shrug. She was making me giggle in the second picture because I hate having pictures taken. [Read More]