Entries are now closed because we have a winner!
As always I used random.org to pull the winner’s number from the comments.

I always try to do something fun around the holidays, and this time I’ve got a giveaway especially for my newsletter subscribers!

This fun handbag contains my “4 Seasons” painting, measures 13.3″x11.4″x1.5″, has adjustable shoulder straps, a zipper on the back, and is one of a kind! I only made one of these and I won’t be selling them in my shop, so this is the only one available.
And YOU can get it!

First, make sure you’re a newsletter subscriber. If you’re not on my bi-monthly list, you can sign up here!
If you’re already on the list (or if you just signed up – thank you!) then head to the comments on this post and leave a message stating what you are looking forward to or dreading about the holidays. That’s it!
I’ll choose a comment at random on January 5th, 2023!
Any questions? Let me know. Good luck!
Cherie is an extraordinary artist.
Her work is fun, inspiring and soulful.
I look forward to what she will be creating
The holidays is getting together with family and friends. Love Christmas decorations
Cherie’s art makes me feel so happy. I’m looking forward to solid family together time for the holidays
Wow! Cool beans! Thank you Cherie for spreading Christmas cheer and the love of Jesus!
This is my favorite holiday and am so happy to again celebrate the birth of our savior. How blessed we are to have Him love us so much.
I most dread the gift topping, e.g. “I got you a better present than you got me! Neener neener!” or “I got you a present. Now where’s mine?”
I most look forward to spending (phone) time with my two recently-discovered half brothers. I haven’t been able to celebrate Christmas with family since I was a young child. Finding my brothers was possibly the best thing that ever happened to me, so this holiday will be special!
Looking forward to reviewing all the events surrounding Jesus’ miraculous birth and thanking Him for all my many blessings.
Looking forward to sharing Christmas with my family. Will be my 2nd holiday without my sister, but blessed to have her son and his family and my BIL. Also blessed to have my guy of 45 years now here in town! (long story..) and also my extended family.
Thank you for all the wonderful inspirations you share through your awesome art, writings and poetry.
Hope to see you in 2023! Blessings to you!
I am so looking to the holidays! It is always a time of joy!
I always look forward to the holidays. They make me happy!
Looking forward to Christmas this year as we have added to our family a son-in-law. This will be his first Christmas in the states. Family is so important during the holidays and all year long.
I am so excited for the holiday because I get to spend it with my whole family and my new dog. The Christmas Eve service at church is so special and moving, filled with the Holy Spirit. It is such a joyful and blessed time.
I’m looking forward to seeing friends and family I would look totally awesome wearing that gorgeous purse also
Still waiting for some folks to decide where Christmas will be this year, but knowing family and friends will be warm and happy wherever they are. I like to cook so I’m hoping it’s at home with me!