This is a post I wrote several years ago, but I came upon it today and thought it might be good to revisit.
Here it is:

The past couple weeks I’ve felt kind of invisible. Have you ever felt this way? Like, a client owed me money but when I called (and called, and emailed) I received no answer. When I called about a question to a vendor, I received no response. When I called someone I thought was a friend I received a barely there answer.

Invisible. As if my words, my questions, weren’t getting through. As if no one could see me, or worse, didn’t feel like I was important enough to listen to.
I think in this busy world it’s easy to feel invisible sometimes. This week I’ve clung to the knowledge that God is with me, even when I don’t feel His influence as strongly as other times in my life. I know it’s there. When I feel invisible, I know He’s there, and that helps get me through.
Here’s a good one to think about in times when you feel invisible and not heard.