Maya Angelou says, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” I think we all have people who have hurt us or just folks who aren’t good for us. Forgive them.
Forgive them so you can move on, but remember that forgiveness does not mean putting yourself in a position to continually be hurt, over and over and over. If the PATTERN with this person is selfish behavior, only you can decide if having them in your life is a good thing. It might be. We all have people in our lives like this, and we love them and have loved them for years maybe, and it’s just the way it is. We pray for them. We encourage them. We forgive often because they are clueless.
But in our lives, we only have emotional space for so much. Perhaps this person is new to your life, and despite wanting to have a relationship with them, you can’t. You’ve tried.
Pray about it. People always like to tell you how to live and who to have in your life, but that is between you and God. If you move on from someone, forgive them so you can think of them in a loving way even if they aren’t in your life.