This video still image is from my free ecourse, “10 Days of Devotions.” Here, I’m talking about Psalm 56:8, which says:
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
Psalm 56:8 NLT
There are times when we might feel like God doesn’t notice when we are sad, but this verse reminds us he does. When people hurt us, it is important to Him. He does not want us to be sad. It is a big deal when we are hurt and grieving, and he knows every tear that falls.
I liked this verse so much that I made the image I painted from it the cover of my book, Painting the Psalms. I felt that this verse really sums up the Psalms in a special way. While there is much to celebrate about life, God is telling us we will have sadness, too, and He will be there during our ups and downs.

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