This video still image is from my free ecourse, “10 Days of Devotions.”

This card I’m holding from my Devotional Deck contains a verse from Proverbs, 3:5, which says:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Proverbs, 3:5
and lean not on your own understanding.”
I love this verse so much! I have thought about the word “trust quite a lot” the last few years. I have made it my “word of the year” to focus on and I have prayed on this verse continually. In my “10 Days of Devotions” ecourse, I talk briefly about how much I like that the verse starts with “Trust in the Lord” and ends with “lean not on your own understanding.”
How often do we try to figure everything out ourselves? How often do we fail to lean on God because we think we can just “handle it”? The thing is, we were never meant to handle it all. He wants us to lean on Him, and what’s more, He is there for us to make us stronger.

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