There are some verses that stand out to me because they have multiple meanings. Ecclesiastes 3:1 is one of those. I think of it during this time of year, after Labor Day, when I start thinking about cooler temperatures and falling leaves.
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (King James Version)
The verse also reminds me of patience, and waiting for things to happen not when or if I want them to happen but trusting that God will direct me to what He wants for my life. That sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Just trust in God and let it happen.
But what if God gives you a different story? A different life than you had imagined. Maybe you thought you were going to be married, and you’re not. Maybe you thought you’d have kids and you don’t. Maybe you thought you’d have a big family all around and lots of noise and hubbub at the holidays and instead it’s quiet, with a few close friends instead.
What if your life is completely different than you thought? Is that a bad thing? No way. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. I think about that again and again when my life takes a direction I hadn’t planned on.
If I only focus on what I thought my life would be like, I’m sad that some of the things I had wanted didn’t pan out. But if I focus on the blessings that God has given me, they exceed my wildest imagination. Some of them are so cool I can’t believe they really happened to me.
I’m feeling the seasons of my life recently in a variety of different ways. I’m thinking about “every purpose under heaven” and trusting that God will show me the big game plan one day, probably when I’m in Heaven and can finally understand it. Until then, I’m focusing on this verse and allowing it to move me from one stage in my life to the other.