My favorite color is blue, and I use it a lot in my art. I’m not alone! Studies show that blue is one of the most popular favorite colors. It’s easy to forget that God created everything, even color. Scholars have argued about the significance of certain colors in the Bible, but when I think of blue I think of the sky and heaven and God. Is it no wonder I love that color so much?
In this painting, two blue horses and a little blue birdie stand in a field, waiting for a visit. The words in the heart on the horse’s head say: “Now these children come.”
My inspiration for this was Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” NIV
It was created with acrylics, inks, and paper.
I talk more about this particular painting, and the inspiration Psalm that goes with it, in my book, Painting the Psalms.