I’m a firm believer in simple. My writing tends to be simple. I’m often told that my poetry is “too simple” because just about anyone can understand it.
Even when “simple” is used as a means to put me down, I embrace simple.
And when the world is too much for me, I lean into simple. I think there is enormous benefit in understanding our limitations. It allows me to welcome God’s influence in my life because I don’t understand the world sometimes. I don’t know why things happen, or why I feel a certain way about things. I welcome God into my life for guidance. I need Him.
While the Bible can sometimes get very complicated (especially if you’re reading it alone and don’t have the benefit of discussion), I think there are plenty of simple statements that can tell you all you need to know about what God expects. Like this one:
Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other just as God forgave you
Ephesians 4:32, NCV