Aren’t the painting in progress videos fun? I love the way artists show a little bit how their paintings come together. Here’s a collection of mine you might enjoy.
She Stood Tall
This is a painting I recently did for “The Big Exhibit” at the Arts Mill in Grafton, WI. It is 3 feet by 3 feet, and is done with acrylics, oil sticks, inks, and paper.
Grateful Prayers In Her Roots
This painting says “Grateful Prayers in Her Roots.” It honors the practice of daily gratitude and how it can change your heart.
Jesus Is My Friend and Family
This is a partial in-process video, but a fun one anyway.
Pink Giraffe
A fun little picture on aquabord.
Divine Song
One of my favorite recent paintings. I like the colors and layers and subject matter.
I Embrace This Life
I created this as part of my word of the year practice when I had “embrace” as my word. Incorporating a favorite word or phrase into a painting is a great way to focus on it in a different way.
Be Still
This original has sold, but it was one of my favorites to work on because it contains a few lines of original poetry and was influenced by the Psalms.
The Voice of Joy
This original has also sold, and contains original poetry and some of my favorite colors.
This painting was purchased by someone who loved the way the two sisters looked at each other, with love and caring. It reminded him of his own two daughters. The only problem? He had three kids, including a son. So of course I painted another one for him!
If you’re interested in learning more about mixed media painting, feel free to sign up for one of my ecourses. They’re fun!