I mentioned that I used to have a Christian blogging ministry for women called Putting on the New. The name came from Ephesans 4:24, which says: “… and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
At the time, I wanted to team with other writers to offer a place where women could come and share stories. We all have such different lives. At the same time, there is a common thread that we share as followers of Christ. So I purposely sought out women of varying backgrounds and opinions and experiences. And if I’m being honest, God brought the writers there. Wherever I tried to recruit people myself it was never the same as when I let go and let God handle it.
God brought a collection of writers, just as I had envisioned. The site was a joy to be a part of, and I don’t know why but eventually, after five years, I had it on my heart to let go of the site and move on to other things.
I can’t explain timing. I know that sometimes there is a season for things. Things, both good and bad, just do not last forever. But that is okay. I felt it was time to let Putting on the New go. I enjoyed writing there and I especially enjoyed the variety of writers and the types of posts we had. It was truly something special and blessed.
When I took the site down, though, I still had some posts. So I want to share those with you here. I’ll call these “From the Putting on the New Archives.”