I love the whole word of the year practice. There, I said it. LOL I didn’t used to. But when I fully embraced it and understood what it was, I really saw the value in it. I loved it so much I created an ecourse centered on mixed media projects specifically for your word for the year.
The hardest part of the whole thing may just be choosing a word.
Instead of the same old resolutions why not try something different for this year? Choose a word to focus on instead. Picking one word (or a short phrase) can help you zero in on your goals in a unique way.
Simplicity is often best for making changes that will stick, and that’s why choosing a word for the year can help you make real progress. Instead of goals that seem lofty and overwhelming, a single word can become your mantra, something you remember when you’re at a crossroads in your life.
How to Choose a Word of the Year
Perhaps the most difficult thing about this process is choosing the word itself. It can be hard to focus in on just one word that you’ll be spending time thinking about day after day. To help yourself in this pursuit:
- Spend time alone meditating and praying about your desire for a special word.
- Be clear on your intentions.
- Write down your goals in a short paragraph without giving it too much thought. Just write, and when you’re finished, note the words that stand out to you. Very often we have a mantra or word already in our mind somewhere even if we haven’t chosen to focus on it yet.
- Don’t rush it. It will come once you have made a decision to be mindful of receiving a word. It might take a couple days or longer.
- Once you have the word, don’t second guess it. Go with it and reflect back at the end of the year on how this word or phrase helped you.
If you’re really stuck, a website like My One Word can help you focus in on the right word for you.
The benefits of choosing a word often take some time to be revealed. Very often choosing a word requires change before you feel comfortable with it. In the weeks and months ahead you’ll be focusing on the word but might not realize how it is changing you. Trust in the process.
Ideas for Using Your Word
The best way to incorporate your special word is to put it in places you can see on a daily basis. This might include writing it on a note that you post to the mirror in the morning, or writing it at the top of your daily planner. This is where my ecourse for creating mixed media art centered on your word can help.
Another idea is keeping a journal that can be used for recording thoughts about your word and moments of gratitude. Being mindful of using your word will help you benefit from the positive changes you’ll be making.
Find Others Who Share Your Word
Chances are you aren’t the only one who has chosen to focus on a specific word. You can “find a tribe” of others who share your word by using One Word 365. Log in using Twitter or Facebook and then share your word, and you’ll be connected with others who have the same word. You’ll see a group of people pop up and can follow them on social media or read the blog posts they’ve created explaining why they chose that word.
This sense of camaraderie can help you stay focused and inspires you to celebrate your word in different ways.
Are you doing a Word of the Year practice? Doing art projects centered on your word in some way can help you incorporate the meaning of this word more fully into your life. Consider taking my ecourse, Word of the Year Mixed Media Painting.