#flashbackfriday Shared these sketches from high school recently and realized how my favorite subject matter has stayed the same: girls, birdies, life…. I still sketch quite a bit but these days I like to paint whimsical, mixed media images with lots of color and book pages, music sheets, and lace. My painting goal is to call up feelings of hope and faith in a world outside of this one.
I paint with bright colors and hopeful messages. Whimsy and light. That’s where I’m at now and that is what I reflect back out into the world. When I was a kid, it wasn’t like that. Drawing was always a “safe place” for me and thankfully I’ve gotten rid of most of my early work because I think it might be depressing for me to see at this stage. I came across this sketch and remembered that I used to do a lot images with pain and tears and silent cries for help.
Thank God, I am here, in the this very different place now. God brought me through it, and if you are struggling right now, too, He will bring you through as well. #flashbackfriday #FF