And we have a winner!
Congrats to Karen E.!
I used random.org to choose the winner.
Karen’s comment was the one who won. Thank you to everyone who entered! If you didn’t win, remember that you can still sign up for Mixed Media Faces for half off if you’re a newsletter subscriber.
One of the most common things people ask me is: How do you create the faces you paint?
I could tell you….
But that probably wouldn’t help unless I showed you. So I created an ecourse where I can do both.
This ecourse covers everything I do to create the mixed media girls I paint. We create faces from acrylics, oil sticks, gelatos, and Pitt pens, and if that isn’t enough we do a final, “put it all together” painting that pulls in everything we’ve learned and adds lace and paper and running, fluid acrylics.
I’m putting the final touches on this course, but I have a free spot just for newsletter subscribers.
If you’re not signed up, you can do that here:
If you’re already a subscriber, leave a comment below. I’ll choose a winner at random by July 4th.
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!!!! 🙂
Love your work!!!
I would live to learn mixed media faces!
You are an inspiration and blessing!
Hi Cherie I would love to take this course. ?