As August begins and people begin to plan for back-to-school, don’t forget to take some time out for acts of kindness. Here are a few ideas especially for this month.
Give Money to a Person Who Needs It
Random acts of kindness aren’t about money. They’re about the small things we can do to make a single moment in someone’s life better. But sometimes, if we did share a small amount of money with them, we’d greatly help them in some way, like:
- Giving money to the tip jar of your local coffee shop
- Offering to pay for the lunch of the car behind you in the drive-through
- Giving money to someone on the street who needs help
- Paying the difference when someone is short of cash at the grocery store
Look for opportunities this month where you give a buck or two to someone else. It might just make a world of difference in their day.
Clean Out Your Stuff
We all need to downsize. No, that’s not right. Some are hurting and need the most basic of items to survive. August 1st through 7th is “Simplify Your Life Week” and this is a great time to take a look at what you’ve got that you can give to someone who needs it. Clothing, pantry items, books, cell phones… each of these things can be given to a worthy organization. Do some research and see what you can give back to someone in your area.
Tell Your Girlfriends How Much You Appreciate Them
August 1st is “Girlfriend’s Day,” which is the perfect time to give a shout out to one of your female friends. Celebrate your friendship by sending a nice note, writing on their Facebook wall, posting a picture on Instagram, or anything else that would make your friend feel special.
Give Some Daffodils to a Nurse or Receptionist in the Nursing Home
If you frequently visit someone in a nursing home, why not bring flowers next time for the nursing staff? August 22nd is “World Daffodil Day,” the perfect, bright little flower that will show a staff member that you recognize their service.
Introduce One Friend to Another
August 15th is “Best Friends Day,” so if you know of two of your current pals or acquaintances who haven’t met yet, make a plan to introduce them. You’ll never know if two friends hit it off unless you see them together.
Of course, if you already have a best friend yourself, be sure to do something extra kind on this day. Even a “remember when we did this?” type of statement followed by a funny or sweet memory can make their day.