For the last couple years we’ve done an intentional gratitude practice of writing thank you notes to each other. It’s intentional by design, because the more you actively make gratitude a part of your life, the more you feel it. It’s too easy to get caught up in negativity or in the way you wish things were different in life. It’s harder to look for moments every single day that you feel grateful for, and if that sounds stupid I want you to think about it for a second. How many times do we sit in our comfortable homes and complain about something like the Internet, politics, or TV. How many times do we have “enough” to get by but focus on all that we don’t have.
It’s too easy. And the blessings are in small moments.
So a few years ago we did a love note type gratitude practice, where we wrote down little thoughts throughout the year and read them on the beginning of the next year. It was a really wonderful way to start the new year off.
But I’m all about not getting too comfortable in anything. Comfort leads to complacency. Sometimes, you have change what you are doing so you can look at everything with fresh eyes. This year we decided to change our practice from written to visual form.
It makes sense. We’re both visual people & we tend to take a lot of pictures anyways.
During February, I snapped a couple photos that made my heart melt in their symplicity and meaning. I share them in hopes that you will find a gratitude practice of your own.
As I sat on the bed checking email one morning, my husby came in and immediately our very spoiled pooch wanted a tummy rub. She rolled over and I started taking pictures. The expressions on our little Schnoodle’s face are so priceless to me.
Step 1: She rolls on her back, paw up, as if pointing to him… come on, rub my tummy…
Step 2: Okay, Schnoodle, is this what you want? Here you are…
Step 3: Wait, are you taking pictures? Okay, let me pose for you….
Step 4: Ah…. I love me a good tummy rub!
Step 5: A kiss…. keep going….
Step 6: haha… suckers! You are wrapped around my paw!
And my heart melts.