It’s been quite a week. And can I just say? I don’t like Halloween. Like… not at all. Like, I’ve NEVER been a fan. Not even when I was a kid. Can you tell?
I was never a fan of Halloween OR clowns.
And there’s something about the whole trick or treat thing now that I’m an adult that I really don’t care for. Last week we went to a school thing for the “kid” and it was fun. He ran around playing games and getting candy and there was pizza and he showed off his costume and there was even a “haunted house,” which consisted of us walking through a courtyard while two people jumped out and screamed BOO, and all of it was totally my speed.
But the whole going door to door when you’re a kid or answering the door a million times and some kids just stand there and say nothing and others scream TRICK OR TREAT and the dog barks and it goes on during dinner or even sometimes, Packer Games (!) … I’m just not a fan.
So, yesterday, I decided to get some peace in my life. I’m working on a new book, and even with headphones the ringing of the doorbell would have been too much. I took our giant, five pound bag of candy which is always far too much for the number of kids we get and put it in a pretty bowl (of course) and set it outside on a pretty table on the porch. I put the front porch light on as a beacon to say, “Come on over, kids. You can take a piece of candy” and I went to the coffee shop for a bit to work.
Ah… I had a nice little view at the coffee shop. It was pleasant and peaceful and I got some writing done.
Then… I came back. Still early. Still in the midst of our treat or treat time. We still had over an hour to go…
… and found that the pretty bowl was empty. Some turd took the whole thing and emptied it into his bag.
And you see, this is why I hate Halloween. Things like this. One kid that ruined it for every kid after. Where were his parents? I am getting a vision of an older kid, maybe too old for Halloween, who went out alone and therefore decided to hog the whole candy bowl. FIVE POUNDS. Seriously kid. Do not eat all that candy. Five pounds is too much for one person no matter how much you spread it out.
But at least on the way home from the coffee shop, I spotted the most amazing sunset. Like, the kind where you drive and drive just trying to chase down the sun and get one more glimpse, and one more, and….
I pulled over the side of the road and just sat and watched. Amazing. Like a living art exhibit.
So that was the best part of Halloween. That, and picturing that kid that stole all our candy having a guilty conscience and giving it away to the other kids in the neighborhood. (I can dream, can’t I?)