It’s been a few months, but I’ve been gathering more things I love to share them with you. I do this occasionally, and jokingly call it a form of “my favorite things” like Oprah, except that mine are all pretty cheap. (Writers budget and all.)
Click here to view all the posts in this series.
Better Homes and Gardens Curtains
You know me, I’m all about making my own curtains, because I like to get just the right pattern I want and also because it’s usually way cheaper to do it yourself. But that’s why these Better Homes and Gardens curtains I got are so great. I didn’t need to make them myself and they were majorly on sale at the time I bought them. Besides that, I literally took them right out of the box and hung them up (hello to no wrinkles!) so it was a big time saver all around. Since they came in two different colors, I did this mix and match thing in our living room and I’m loving how it all came together.
Justin Bieber’s Purpose
Well, I’m no stranger to liking music that is, let’s say, not marketed to my age group. But this middle aged lady just picked up Bieber’s Purpose album and I’m telling you… it’s out of this world. There are some songs that are like a prayer to me, so deep and filled with emotion. I’m loving the title track and “Life Is Worth Living.”
Red Heart Soft Yarn
Crochet geek alert! I just discovered this new Red Heart Soft brand of yarn, and it is great. I used it for the afghan I recently made:
and the texture is so much better than sport weight. It has give, it’s warm, and it drapes really nicely. It definitely lives up to its name.
We Have Such a Hope Pillows
One thing I love about making art today is how many options we have when it comes to putting our art on other things. I put my recent picture “We Have Such a Hope” on a couple of products and loved the way they turned out. Printing has come such a long way in the last few years. What a cool thing to be able to fit art on different things around your home and in your everyday life.
I put this picture on a pillow for our bedroom and it matches our colors and style in there. I like seeing the reminder about boldly living out your hope.
Do you love how the doggie had to get in on the act as soon as I started taking pictures?
She’s such a model. Now when I pull out the camera she can’t imagine why I’m taking pictures of anything other than her. (And really… can you blame her?)
If you’d like a pillow like this, you can find it here.
We recently re-did our bathroom… new paint job and some accents. I couldn’t resist picking up these adorable crown accessories at JoAnn Fabrics. I made this fun shower curtain to show my love for all things Tudor:
and finally got to frame this fun Shakespeare picture we got eons ago:
and so the crowns seemed like a nice fit with all that. Now our bathroom really is the throne room. (Groan… I couldn’t help myself.)