In my new book, My Soul Is From a Different Place, I wrote a poem about shame. Namely, what do we do when we have all these mistakes and painful memories waving at us every time we look back? Do we embrace them as if they defined us? Move on as if they didn’t happen?
I think you’ll see by this poem, I choose a different route. I know what my mistakes were, and others do, too. I also know the times that others have hurt me and tried to make it my mistake, when instead they can’t look at their own behavior. Regardless of who did what, it still feels the same to me, like a trail behind you that you don’t quite know what to do with sometimes. You look back, and it’s not who you are. So then why get yourself all tied up in a past whose only purpose was to get you to where you are now?
That’s what “The Wise Bride” is all about.