I spotted this very cute thing that my artsy blogging buddy June did recently we she got her original doodles published and then decided to give whoever bought the magazine a special surprise by putting an actual, original doodle inside. She decided that whoever bought the magazine probably would think that the doodle was put there by the publishers, and that’s probably true, but it’s very fun to think that you need something so cool for someone who wouldn’t even know you did it. (Unless they read her blog and saw the post, and I hope they did, because that would make the whole thing even more cool.)
Anywho, this whole story got me thinking about something similar the hubs and I did when we were on our honeymoon. My first poetry book had just been published, and we were very excited and decided to leave a few copies in London and Paris.
In Paris, I went to the Starbucks there and wrote something dramatic in the book like “To Paris! With Love!” My husband and I cracked up and left it on one of the tables. (Someone probably threw it away the minute we left, but we let ourselves imagine that someone took the book and read it over a cup of coffee.)
In London, we went to a Foyles Bookstore and left the book in the poetry section. We took pictures there and laughed and laughed wondering if someone would try and buy it. (We’re dorks – but your first book gets you very excited, and besides, we were on our honeymoon and in love and just having fun.)
Then we went to a Borders in London and lo’ and behold if it wasn’t poetry month there! What were the odds? They had a display with all the great poetry books from all time and my hubs took my book out and placed it right there amongst the English greats. The fact that he did this still makes me giggle.
Then he took a picture of me outside the store and we put it in our scrapbook with the heading, “Cherie makes her first appearance at the Borders, London.”
See how I’m cracking up in that picture? We laughed so hard at our dorkery. Funny thing, though, right after we came home the ebook version become the most popular download of the week in the UK. Coincidence? You decide.