I’ve been thinking about courage lately, especially as it relates to change. I’ve got some big changes ahead, and these are good changes, changes we’ve been thinking about a lot and praying for. And even with that, they’re a little scary. They leave me wondering what next? They have me realizing once again how very little control we have over some of the things in life.
But I think this is how God wants it at times. If we didn’t have these times where we need to look up and hold open our hands to Him, we would go on believing that we were in charge, in control. In the last month, our prayers have moved from “what we hope for” to “help us deal with whatever comes next, God.”
So I’ve been thinking about being brave and having courage. This is what has influenced some of my art this week.
Wait for the Lord
This is by far my favorite picture of this group and the Bible verse on here from Psalm 27 is very appropriate to our situation, too: “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take courage” (ESV). This is exactly what we’re doing. We’re waiting on God, and trusting. I like the thought that we can take courage in him. I’d be lost otherwise, and there is a big difference between not knowing where you’re going next but trusting in God and being lost.
(Available here on Etsy.)
Power and Love
This print I created as a reminder of how God made us. The words “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love” from the Bible, 2 Timothy 1:7 are stamped on here.
He didn’t make wimps. Far from it. He knew things would be hard here and created us to be bold in him. Our spirits are strong, so we can’t hide behind fear. We’re made to be bold. The rest of this passage, which I didn’t put on here, is “and self-control.” We can’t forget this either. It isn’t just about being bold without control. Our control, our self-control, is done through him. (Otherwise we’d just be really annoying and directionless.)
(Available here on Etsy.)
Create in Me a Clean Heart
This passage, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” from Psalm 51:10 (ESV) is what I think about when I’ve goofed up. When I didn’t listen to God for my boldness, but I went on my own way and I need to get it back to him. He’s the reset button. I love the thought of God allowing us to start over, right now, once again.
Even now, as I pray about the changes in my life, I know that there will come a time when God will have to renew a right spirit within me. I take comfort in that fact.
(Available here on Etsy.)
Joshua 1:9…”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Wherever you go, Cherie!
Amen to that, Cyndi.
What beautiful thoughts to read on a Sunday morning. Thank you, Cherie (and Cyndi too).