Every once in a while someone asks me about the websites I really like. When it comes to entertainment, I like stuff that makes me think and makes me laugh. On the second note, I like humor that is silly or a little snarky but never mean. That’s why I like these websites.
This is my favorite site when it comes to needing a laugh. I can’t get over the pictures included there, mostly because they look so much like those from my own family! And that’s the point, we all have a few of these in our scrapbooks.
This one’s from a former Suite writer, (which is how I first met her online) and it’s so funny and charming I just love it. I also just read and recommended her latest book because it will leave you laughing out loud.
This site is an old one but I still can’t get enough of it. I bought their book for my mom when she retired (something to make sure she had something to laugh about every day) and that was equally hilarious.
Well who doesn’t love The Bloggess? She takes funny to a new level. Sometimes I cringe when I read her stuff, sometimes I get a little sentimental, and sometimes I laugh until I cry.