This summer I found a coffee table I loved. It was at a church rummage (which are the best to go to if you ask me) for just $4. I’m not kidding.
So of course I picked it up. It looked a little rough for wear but was in great shape otherwise.
I loved the curves and edges it had.
My husby painted it black for me. Isn’t he sweet? And I liked the way it turned out.
Now, for some tiling. I found these wonderful tiles cheap cheap cheap at Home Depot. They were on clearance. I soon found out why: they were very difficult to work with! But I was able to wrangle them.
First, I dry fit the pieces on the table.
Then grouted.
And viola! Finished.
I loved the way it turned out.
I love it! Cherie, you are such an inspiration!
Thanks, Debby!
What great finds, Cherie, and you both did a terrific job. All-in, I guess the table cost you about $10. Wow!