You can tell I’m running out of room for glass sculptures. All mine are smaller now. Last week I made a few glass mushrooms, and this week I’m making some solar lights.
Remember how obsessed I am with solar lights? I got a bunch of them at the Dollar Store and I’m using them in mini-glass sculptures.
I started with some small red vases and clear glass stuff to go with.
I glued some glass beads on the clear glass.
Then stuck the solar light in the glass piece. It fit perfectly.
I glued the vases to the larger clear pieces.
Then I put the topper on the vases.
And viola! Solar light sculpture.
I also made a green one. For this one, the solar light is inside the glass.
[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” nw=”y” src=”” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″ width=”100″]This project is featured in my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″]Glass Sculptures: How to Make Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden Using Vases, Bowls, and Other Glass Pieces[/easyazon_link].
Cyndi L says
Those are sooo cool! Your garden must be like a fairyland at night 🙂
Eileen says
Cherie, you find the most wonderful glass treasures. One woman’s trash is another’s treasure, right?
I love the addition of glass beads on these.
Cherie says
Yes, what would we do without the trash of other people? LOL!