There are times when this world gets hard. It knocks you down. There are times when you feel that there is nothing but misery and hardship ahead of you. There are times when it’s hard to hold on to hope. This is true no matter who you are. If you’re a Christian, it can still be a challenge to keep the light in your life and heart.
There are times when people try to knock you down simply because you’re happy. Simply because you are moving forward and finding inspiration in a world where they should find their own joy but can’t. So they attack.
I’ve experienced these challenging times, and when I did I was able to take comfort in this passage:
“Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going.” ~ John 12:35
Like so much of the Bible, this seems like such a simple concept. Walk in the light. You’ll get lost in the dark. Keep your eye on the light so you stay on the right course. But it’s more than that, isn’t it? It hits you deep in your soul. Stay in the light with your thoughts. Your actions. Don’t let the dark cover your heart. Don’t let the naysayers knock you down for long. Get up. Look up. Up. The light is there.