I’m taking a break from making glass sculptures this week (can you believe it), but there are sure to be more of them in the future because I just picked up a ton of cheap, cool glass at some estate sales over the weekend.
Instead, I wanted to make some crocheted pumpkins I saw in the Fall 2012 issue of Stitch Craft Create. The magazine has some darling Fall projects, but I was drawn to the crocheted pumpkins on the front cover. They showed them with orange and also white with a grey root. I liked the way the white looked, and I had a bunch of leftover yarn.
The pattern is incredibly easy to make. Essentially just a straight little rectangle in different sizes that you sew up at each end so it looks like a ball.
Stuff with fiberfill and sew on the stem. The stem, incidentally, is also a very easy pattern. I realized I didn’t have grey yarn, but I used some gold instead.
I had taken a bunch of close up shots of the steps, but they all turned out crazy blurry and dark. Apparently focus and lighting make a difference in photography. Who knew?
Even with a lack of step-by-steps, however, I think you can still see how easy the pattern is.
The thing I like about the pattern is that you can use a variety of different yarns (I used worsted weight for these), in different colors, and using scraps. (Don’t you love patterns that can do that.) I’ve been crocheting forever but every once in a while someone asks me for a beginner’s crochet pattern they can try. I’d say, try this one and see how you do. (P.S. I think you’ll do great.)
Those are sooooo cute! I hope I get time to make a couple before Halloween!
Thanks. I know you’ll be able to whip up a few, and I know you’ll do some fun twist that will make them even more creative. 🙂