I’ve been playing with colored glass for the last year or so, but I’ve been itching to do a few sculptures using just clear glass as well. On the surface, you’d think clear glass would be boring, but I actually really like it. There is a brightness to it and it allows you to view the shape of your sculpture in a whole new way.
I was especially pleased with this project, because I got each piece for less than $1. We’ve really been lucky with the estate sales this year. I’ve found so many good pieces really cheaply.
I couldn’t resist buying this glass piece.
What do you think it was once? A candy dish? Or maybe an extremely large glass for drinks! LOL (Doubtful… but you never know.) As soon as I spotted this I picked it up and walked over to DH, who laughed and said, “Wow. Yeah. You need to get that.” Isn’t it nice that he eggs me on encourages me?
You’ve seen me do this a million times now, so I won’t bore you with the step-by-step. I glued.
And layered. And then, viola.
I always say that I’m going to move these to the actual garden (!) but I end up keeping some of them on the porch because I like to look at them when I’m sitting there reading or working. I’ve taken to rotating them from porch to garden here and there when the mood strikes.
[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” nw=”y” src=”https://cherieburbach.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/51EI0bosKoL.SL1601.jpg” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″ width=”100″]Want more projects like this? You can find them in my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″]Glass Sculptures: How to Make Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden Using Vases, Bowls, and Other Glass Pieces[/easyazon_link].
I bet they look stunning when the light reflects off all those prisms. Nice job, Cherie.
Thanks, Eileen! I’m sure having fun with them.
If you had enough of them around the porch, think of the summer evenings out there reading… 🙂