I’m guest posting at my buddy Sharon’s Aromatherapie blog today, and it’s with a post that is near and dear to my heart.
First off, I don’t usually do guest posts much anymore. I used to do a lot but then I just got too busy. But my friend Sharon has been great to me and when she asked if she could get a few guest posts, I was eager to lend a hand. But then I thought: what am I going to write about that is related to aromatherapy? My areas of specialty fall outside of that.
As I thought about it, however, I realized I did know which smells I liked, and what’s more, I knew that some of them really called up certain emotions in me. Things like the smell of Fall leaves, my grandmother’s perfume, and even a fresh loaf of bread can help trigger moods and memories.
As a bonus, I share a picture of me and my granny from when I was a kid. She was so special to me, and it was fun to share a photo of her. Enjoy the post and please leave a comment if you found it helpful.