Did you ever develop a catchphrase that you don’t know where it came from? “Boom. Done.” happens to be mine. It comes about when I have to belabor over a decision either by myself or with someone else. Like me and my hubby or me and a coworker (or, my hubby and I and my coworker and I – little grammatical fix there) belabor over a decision. It doesn’t matter whether they make the final choice or I do, when we’re done talking about it I say, “Boom. Done.”
I noticed that it’s not just during my own decisions that I say this. A friend of mine emailed me about a choice she had to make. We went back and forth with info, and finally I said, “I’d do this. Boom. Done.”
She’s actually the one that pointed out the fact that I said “Boom. Done.” often lately. Where did I pick this up from? I have no idea. Usually I can pinpoint it. I get a lot of catchphrases from my hubby. I have finally gotten over my “dude” catchphrase, which I picked up from him. I even said to my mom one day, “Dude, you gotta try this.” She laughed at me. “Dude?”
Boom. Done. makes me feel like I’m brushing off my hands with a “decision well made” attitude for some reason. Like, we had this choice on our backs and now it’s off. Ahhh. Let’s go have a cup of tea and celebrate.
Boom. Done.
Do you have a catchphrase? Where did you pick it up?