Remember those canvases we talked about recently? I covered two different canvases with different but similar papers, and last week I showed you the first picture I did, and today I’ll show you the second.
First, I covered the canvases with a couple layers of paint.
Then, I added some stamps and dots, and a little more paint.
Then I started painting my face. I decided to do it right over the pattern paper because there was a big crease there and I liked the look of it. I thought it made that face look a bit weathered and wrinkled.
Then I stamped the words “not that girl” along the side in purple. I used different stamps for this. I also wrote out a poem of mine (“I’m Not That Girl”) on the girl’s dress. Finally, I added glasses to her. I just don’t think we see enough glasses on women in paintings! LOL! And since I’ve worn them since I’m eight, I feel a bit offended at that. Lasik! Pish!
If you’re interested, I’ve got the full poem below. It can be found in my books The Difference Now and in New and Selected Poems. (Just saying 🙂 ) The poem is very old, and one I wrote years and years ago as I started to get over my past and figure things in my life out. It’s so old that it seems weird to read it now. But I enjoyed incorporating it into this picture.
I’m Not That Girl
by Cherie Burbach
I’m not that girl
the one you knew.
Who smiled when I hurt
and slapped away your kind hands.
I’m not that girl
who’d rather self-destruct
than ask for help.
I’m not her.
Not anymore.
I’m not that girl
who chased sorrow
and ran away from everything good.
I’m not that girl
you thought you knew.
But no one did.
Not even me.
Eileen says
I pinned this and then saw that you already had. Oops.
I’m new at Pinterest. Would it be better if I repinned yours next time? BTW, I clicked to follow you 😉
Cherie says
To be honest, I have no idea. I’m just getting started at Pinterest too. I think it probably doesn’t matter who pins it. That’s my guess. Isn’t it interesting how just when we get used to using one form of social media, we have to start all over with another? I suppose that’s good – keeps us young!
Cyndi L says
I have always loved the idea of combining poetry or journal entries with mm work, but I’ve also been too afraid to use my own words. I always use someone else’s, but I wish I were brave enough to do something like this. Good on you, Cherie.
Cherie says
Cyndi, you should do whatever you feel comfortable with, but something tells me your own words would be really lovely mixed in with your art.
Laura Thykeson says
Cherie, your poem really hit home with me…seems we have more in common than I thought…;) Great work, seriously…I love it!
Cherie says
Thanks, Laura! Glad you liked it.