I’m way behind on just about everything this week, including new craft projects. But I did manage to go to the local library sale and pick up ten books for under a dollar! Yessiree! That’s the way to get ’em. Especially when you’re going to craft with them.
Well, I guess I did do one “crafty-ish” project this week. I made these cute Packer truffles for the game.
I even put them on my new cupcake plate stand. But then, my team imploded upon itself, and there was much sadness in Packer Nation. I had the hubby take the truffles to work because I couldn’t bare to look at them!
So… back to the library sale….
Library sales are great if you’re a reader or looking for new books to read or give to friends, but they are really valuable if you’re a crafter. Take a look at that pile I have. Quite a variety. Each book is old, and some have odd or cool illustrations, which will be fun to craft with.
Next time you go to your local library sale, look for books that have:
- Poetry. It’ my personal preference, but poetry is always lovely to put on things. Even if you can’t see it and it’s in the background, I still think it adds something special.
- Interesting print inside.
- Maps.
- Cool or weird illustrations. There is a palmistry book and a home plan book in that pile that have some really interesting pictures. It will be nice to craft and paint with them.
- Foreign words. I like using foreign text in crafting, and that German language book in my pile will work out for that.
- Lots of dialog. Pages with a lot of dialog in them work out well, especially when you can cut out a certain word or phrase to focus on for your picture.
- Books that are old. Older books really have a charm to them, and sometimes, information that makes you giggle. This is especially true of “advice” books that are 50 or 60 years old. I have one from my grandma about how to “make a man his dinner” that I love so much.
Great Idea About the Library Sale! I see so many crafty ideas using old books!
Thanks, Dee! I think crafts that use old books are my favorite.
I am so jealous! What a great haul, I can’t wait to see what you do with them!
Ha! The next time you’re in my neck of the woods I’ll take you with. 🙂 It was a particularly good haul. There is something about getting great craft supplies CHEAP that makes me especially happy.
It makes me think about all the tattered and yellowed old books we’ve thrown out over the years. What a shame. Thanks for a way to replace some of them.
Great idea… a good place to get the right kinds of books. We’ll have another library book sale here in June and I’ll be ready for them.