Are Peeps the best thing ever? I don’t love to eat them (can you say sugar coma?) but I do love what people do with them. Since it’s Spring and Easter, I’ve been seeing a lot of different variations on how to display/twist/mangle/use Peeps. I caught this cute Peep flower display and knew I had to make it for my dining room table.
A word to the wise here. When I first saw this picture I thought, Oh, someone put Peeps around an embroidery ring. How cute. So I bought some Peeps, squished them on the embroidery ring, and realized all that did was create really messed up marshmallowy creepiness!
Then I read the instructions and realized they were hot glued on. (I’m sure I’m probably the only one who would do something like this. It’s that “failing to read the instructions” thing.)
When I read exactly how to do it, it was so easy it only took a few minutes to create. First, get an embroidery ring (I got mine from a rummage sale last summer), a dowel painted green, a couple packages of Peeps, some Easter grass, and a pot or container.
You also need something to stabilize the flower when it’s complete, so I used a bunch of glass beads, but you could also use a piece of floral foam.
First, glue the embroidery ring to the dowel. Use a bag or something underneath the project because when you start gluing the Peeps you’ll have teeny tiny sugar crystals all over.
Then, start gluing the Peeps around the edge of the ring. Don’t separate them, just leave them together and kind of “curve” them a bit. (But not too much.) Do that all around the ring.
Put a ribbon around the dowel, and viola! Peep flowery goodness!
It’s cheesy, I know. But so fun….
I love this! I think it’s cute as heck and I think I might even try it out! Yours turned out adorable- although I do have images of deformed squished peeps in my head now 🙂
LOL! Yeah, sorry for that image. I could have posted a pic with it, but…
Maybe cheesy, but totally adorable! Who doesn’t love peeps?
Everyone does! (At least to craft with) 🙂
So adorable! Love it!
Thanks, Linette!
Not cheesy at all. It’s adorable.
Aw… thanks.
I love it! And just think of all the different Peeps you could use!
You know what? That’s what my hubby said! LOL He wanted me to make a few more in blue or purple.