I love books. No really, I love them. I love writing them, reading them, and even crafting with them. I’m not as big of an ebook reader, but I do see the value in them and know a lot of people really adore them. For me, though, there is nothing like looking over at a pile like this:
That, ladies and gentlemen, is part of my “to be read” pile. My actual TBR pile is a lot higher. I have some work stuff in there, some reviews, and then my own personal enjoyment books. The pile you see here is from Christmas. (And don’t you love the card my mom gave me? Pop up reindeer!) I got quite a few good ones for Christmas. This pile includes: The Mistresses of Henry VIII, The Confessions of Catherine de Medici: A Novel
, For the King
, and Elizabeth’s Women: Friends, Rivals, and Foes Who Shaped the Virgin Queen
. See, they aren’t all Tudor fiction! LOL Some of them are about Napoleon, too.
There is something about looking over at that pile that just makes me extremely happy. It’s like knowing there is a vacation waiting for you a mere inches from your everyday life. I love that.
What’s in your TBR pile?
I love piles of books, too. I also love lots of brand new icons on my iPad reader, though.
In my TBR pile: Half Broke Horses, The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb, and American Pastoral by Philip Roth.
You’ve got an iPad? Do you love it? More info! I want to read “The Hour I First Believed” also. Let me know how it is!