It’s the end of 2010, so I can’t help reflecting back on some of my favorite writer moments for the year.
Sure, I could do something boring like list books I put out or whatever, but who really cares about that? Being a writer has other benefits, like the people you meet, the projects you work on, and the opportunities that come your way.
Favorite mention in another book: This year I was mentioned in What to Do When No One Has a Clue: Advice for the Brave New World, a book on all those tricky manners and questions that people have, like: “Is it okay to text bad news? What do you do if you and your intended already have hyphenated last names? Is it gauche to take home leftovers from a four-star restaurant? Should you admit you are getting your MBA online?” The book was clever and fun, and I loved the other people featured in it: Badgley Mischka (designers Mark Badgley and James Mischka), Rick Bayless (chef), Bethenny Frankel (author and star of The Real Housewives of New York City), Arianna Huffington (editor in chief of The Huffington Post), Daniel Jones (editor of the New York Times “Modern Love” column), Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger, and the Countess (RHONY). My advice rounded out the dating section, so take a look if you get a chance!
Favorite writer meetup: Since my jobs are mostly solitary (meaning that I adhere my butt to my chair and write), I don’t often get to schmooze with other writers. I do chat with them online in forums (and in a special Facebook group we started), but it was a thrill and a half to get to finally meet a few of them this year. In November I met up with two other writers who live in other parts of the country and also write for Suite101, a Vancouver-based online magazine. We’ve all been there for years, and it was great to have a fish fry, raise a brew, and sit face to face and talk about writing and other fun parts of life. In fact, I just found out one of the ladies who lives down south is coming up to my area again so we’ve got another day on the calendar planned. Can’t wait.
Favorite writer meeting: It had to be my day spent at the The Writer magazine headquarters. Many years ago, when I was just a kid, I got a subscription to that magazine for my birthday. This was back when the headquarters were on the East Coast. So it was a total thrill when I was invited to take part in a seminar there this year along with nine other writers. There were various levels of writers there: authors, freelancers, technical writers, you name it. We offered opinions and suggestions on the magazine for a few hours, got a great breakfast, and then got a tour of the building. We were sent home with some nice swag as well. Can’t argue with that. I had a great time and loved meeting the editors and staff there.
Favorite blog post: If I had to narrow it down this year (and to this blog) it would be the post about stuff that would be cool if it happened. The reason I liked this one is another writer then took that as inspiration and wrote a much cooler post, and also because it started a really interesting conversation on Twitter. Nice when that kind of thing occurs.
Favorite collaborations and interviews: It’s always great to work with other writers in some way, and this year I was interviewed as an online dating expert for Happen Magazine and Tango. I was also used as a source for a Poynter Institute white paper.
I did quite a few radio interviews this year as well, including the Bert Show which is the number one morning radio show out of Atlanta. A radio producer from Mississippi heard me on that show and then interviewed me for his show later. (Proving once again that everything you do builds on itself to offer another opportunity.) I have to say being on The Relationship Party radio show twice this year was also pretty fun.
Poetry Contest: In April I was a winner in a love poetry contest held by writer Robin Maxwell. I won a signed copy of her book and recognition on her blog. As she’s one of my favorite writers, this was a total thrill!
I feel very blessed to be in the writing biz. While I don’t make as much as I did in the corporate world, my life is so much better. I actually look forward to getting up every single day and making the trek down the hall into my office. I love the people I have met and the assignments I’ve been given. I’m even happy for the editors I work with who push me with deadlines and standards. All of it makes me a better writer. Of course, I’m also thankful to anyone who reads my work! The past year had challenges and great moments, and I look forward to what 2011 brings.
What a busy year you had! Congratulations and may next year be even better and more successful for you!
Aw, thanks, Diane! I hope you have a great year also.