Today’s beautiful words quote really hit home with me. I truly believe that while “getting away” is a fun (and needed) thing, the key to finding peace is only found inside of us. I often think of my dad when I think of self-satisfied peace, because he was always so troubled. He couldn’t find happiness so matter what he bought, ate, no matter where he traveled, no matter if he worked or didn’t work. He was one of those people that thought if he did this, then he’d be happy. When this was fulfilled, he still wasn’t happy, and would be on to the next thing. I’m not talking about goals here, either. I’m talking about going from thing to thing to thing in an effort to find happiness.
“There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.”
― Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
It’s hard to say what will bring that deep level of happiness to each and every once of us. It’s not having a lot of money, even though money can definitely bring you an easier life. But like I said, I’ve known some pretty well-off people that just don’t seem to get it when it comes to the happiness department. For me, I believe it all starts with God. When I feel myself getting further and further away from peace, I pray to restore it. That’s what works for me.
What brings you peace?